Oncology High Science

  • Oncology High Science

I had the pleasure of collaborating with a group of talented artists on a conference exhibit. The project featured immersive stories that showcased the interaction between T-Cells, Dendritic Cells, and Tumor Cells in the body's fight against cancer.


Modo TD (Scene Setup, Particles, Shading Support)



Tumor cell and Endothelial cells (capillary) animated by a Maya artist, I worked on the particles in Modo.

A Dendritic cell attempting to activate a TCell. Cells animated in Maya, I added the tentacles in Modo.

A group of T-Cells attack Tumor cells leading to Tumor cell apoptosis (programed cell death). Cells, blebbing (bubbles formed on Tumer cells as they die), and camera animated by a Maya artist. I worked on the floating particles and helped TD the animated shaders.